Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Galilee Day 1

First, we went to the Mount of the Beatitudes.  The church is owned and ran by the Franciscans.  It is supposedly where Jesus preached the Beatitudes (hence the name).  Some people disagree to where exactly he preached because of the differences in the descriptions in the Gospels.

From the outside^^^

On the inside^^^

A picture of what it might've been like^^^

The top^^^

Cool fountain^^^

Bible verse^^^

After that we went to the Church of Multiplication.  It is where Jesus supposedly performed the miracle of multiplying the bread and the fish.

The inside of it; we couldn't get any good pictures because if was crowded and people were pushy.^^^

Mosaic of the two fish and five loaves^^^
After visiting that church, we went on a boat ride in the Sea of Galilee.

The view^^^

Panorama view^^^

Another view^^^

My grandma and I^^^
After the boat ride, we went to the town of Capernaum.  It was the headquarters of Jesus' ministry.

Map of important biblical things on a rock^^^

Sign when you walk in^^^

Synagogue built in 4th century, but it was built on a synagogue that was around during Jesus' time^^^

Original ruins of the buildings^^^

Peter's house^^^

After that, we traveled to Caesarea Philippi, the place where Jesus asked his disciples who they thought he was and Peter thus received the keys of heaven because of his answer.

Temple for Emperor Augustus that was built by King Herod^^^

A grotto for the god Pan^^^
After that we went to Golan Heights.  That is the area that Israel and Syria still fight about and that Israel won in 1967.  The view is amazing and you could see Syria on one side and Lebanon on the other. 

Panoramic view.  Keep in mind that some of what you are seeing is the land of Syria.^^^

Old military blockade^^^
After I went swimming in the Sea of Galilee.  I went in about 150 feet and it didn't even reach my waist.  It was also very rocky, so my feet started to hurt. 

A grainy picture because it was already dark (it was 5 o'clock).
Tomorrow we go to Nazareth, Cana, and the Mediterranean.

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