Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Final Day

Today was our final day and we are all very sad.  Mom has to go back to work, Meghan has to go to school, and Grandma has to go back to the cold of Wisconsin.  The first thing we did today was go to a boat that could possibly be the boat that Jesus used.  It was carbon dated and is approximately two thousand years old.

Views of the boat from two different angles^^^
Next we went to Cana.  It was the place where Jesus performed his first miracle.  Now there is a church there in memory.

Outside of it^^^

Building next to it^^^

Original rock^^^

After that we went to Nazareth, Jesus' boyhood home.  There is a church there called the Church of the Annunciation.  It rests upon a cave where Mary supposedly had the archangel Gabriel announce to her that she would give birth to Jesus.
Outside of the church^^^

A cool confessional^^^

On the inside^^^

Closer up^^^

There is a bottom level and when we got there, a priest was giving Mass^^^

The cave where the Annunciation supposedly took place^^^

Me with the stature of Mary^^^
Then we went to Mount Carmel, where there is a Franciscan monastery.  There is also a church.

Outside of the church^^^

Inside of the church^^^
Then we went to Megiddo, an old city-state that was abandoned in the 4th century.  We didn't get any pictures because it was really hot and we had to hike a little.  We went into a water tunnel that channeled water from a spring to the people in the city.
After that, we went to Caesarea, an old port city built by Herod, and then conquered by many people. In general the order was: Romans, Byzantines, Turks, and then the Crusaders.  It is on the Mediterranean, and it is beautiful.

Me next to it^^^

The beautiful view of the sun setting^^^
Tomorrow, we leave for our respective states.  We have to get up at 2 am, and our flight leaves at 6. We have had the most amazing time and we will genuinely miss Israel and Jordan.


  1. Thanks Meghan for posting each day. I looked at your comments each day in WI about 2 and appreciated knowing what my mom and dad were doing each day. I felt as if I was on the tour with you. Blessings on your trip, hi to your Mom. (We ran hurdles together a very long time ago!) Angie

  2. Thank You, Carol,Karen and Megan for sharing your trip! It was wonderful to "visit" and see all those special places again thru your eyes! (Tom added, "at your expense") God's Blessings for safe travels home Maxine
